

A Tapestry of Mythology, Beauty Contests, and Olive Oil Miracles

Mount Ida, extending 40 km in the east-west direction in the North Aegean region, holds the ‘firsts’ of civilization history on its breezy slopes. Nestled in the north of Edremit Bay, this lofty peak is named Ida, meaning “with many springs” in mythology. The temple of Zeus Gargaron is situated on Ida, where gods descended from Mount Olympus due to the area’s breathtaking beauty.

The First Beauty Contest in History

In a mythical feast organized at Olympus The Past as a Mirror to the Future, “the goddess of discord,” not invited, leaves an apple marked “to be offered to the most beautiful.” The goddesses, curious about who will receive the apple, report the matter to Zeus. Aware that offering the apple to his wife Hera would anger the other goddesses, Zeus entrusts the handsome shepherd Paris with choosing the most beautiful. The candidates are “the wife of Zeus Hera,” “the Goddess of Intelligence Athena,” and “the Goddess of Love Aphrodite.” Paris’s challenging decision favors Aphrodite, making her the first official beauty in history.

The Altar of Zeus

In mythology, the West and the East engage in war for the first time in history after the kidnapping of King Menelaus’ daughter Helen by Paris in 1200 BC. Zeus observes the ten-year Trojan War from the vantage point of Adatepe, a typical Aegean village today. The Altar of Zeus, erected on this hill after the war, where sacrifices were offered to Zeus, captivates tourists with its historical significance and panoramic views of Edremit Bay private tours bulgaria varna.

The Miracle of Olive Oil

The Edremit Bay is one of the world’s first places mentioned with olive oil. The olives in this region acquire their special taste from the gentle breeze blowing across the bay. Olive oil is obtained through two methods: “oozing,” where olives are naturally pressed with press stones, and “kontinii,” where olives are squeezed with a cogwheel. The region enjoys a worldwide reputation for its healthy olive oil. Soaps produced with olive oil rejuvenate the skin. Explore the olive oil’s millennia-long adventure at the “Museum of Olive Oil” in the village of Küçükkuyu, where you can purchase “oozed oil” from the museum’s shop and “olive oil soap” that foams luxuriously in hot water.


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