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Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 68

Those fall into the same blasphemy who venerate the image, and the same woe rests upon both, because they err with Arius, Dioscorus, and...

Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 67

As then Christ armed his Apostles against the ancient idolatry with the power of the Holy Spirit, and sent them out into all the...

Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 66

Throwing myself on the ground, and worshipping that holy floor, I came out, and went to her who had promised to be my security....

Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 65

St Athanasius of Mount Sinai on the New Sabbath, and on St Thomas the Apostle.Those who saw Christ in the flesh looked upon Him...

Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 64

Jerome, Priest of Jerusalem, On The Holy Trinity.As the Scripture nowhere enjoins you to worship the Cross, what makes you adore it? Tell us,...

Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 63

St Cyril of Jerusalem, twelfth Instruction.If you seek the cause of Christ’s presence, go back to the first chapter of Scripture. God made the...

Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 62

Saint Athanasius against the Arians.–Book III.The Son being of the same substance as the Father, He can justly say that He has what the...

Treasures of Brusa

Mosques, Tombs, and Citadel Ulu Jami (The Big Mosque) Ulu Jami, also known as The Big Mosque, stands as a testament to the contributions of three...

A Glimpse into Ottoman History

Towards the end of the eleventh century, Brusa came under the control of the Seljuk Turks. However, they abandoned the city following the Crusaders’...

Exploring Corum’s 7000-Year History

A Journey Through Time Corum A Cultural Bridge Between East and West Corum, with its 7000-year-long history, stands as a significant gateway between Central Anatolia and...

Egyptian short story