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Esyllt and Sabrina part 1

Geoffrey of Monmouth (1 100? – 1 154?)Our information about Geoffrey of Monmouth is very limited. He was probably of Welsh origin, and lived...

The Story of Devadatta 2

A travelerSo he remained in the veranda of an almshouse near, and at night he suddenly beheld a woman descending with a rope from...

The Raising of Lazarus 2

Martha met himNow Jesus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him. The Jews then which...

The Matron of Ephesus 1

Petronius (Died 66 A.D.)Gaius Petronius Arbiter was born some time early in the First Century of the Christian era, and committed suicide in the...

The Jackal 1

The Jackal (Anonymous: 14th Century A.D., or earlier)Nothing is known of the author of the Hitopadesa, a manual of didac-tic fables composed—on the basis...

The Haunted House 1

Pliny The Younger (62—113 A.D.)The Letters of Pliny the Younger (known in Latin as C. Plinius Caecilius Secundus) give a pleasant and varied picture...

The Book of Ruth 2

Then Naomi her mother-in-law said unto her:—-“My daughter, shall I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well with thee? And now...

Rabbi Akiva 2

Rabbi AkivaThe Rabbis tell us that once the Roman Government made a decree forbidding Israel to study the law. Thereupon Pappus, son of Yehudah,...

Horatius at the Bridge 2

Horatius at the BridgeBy this time the Tarquins had fled to Lars Porsena, king of Clu- sium. There, with advice and entreaties, they besought...

The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse 1

Jesop (6th Century, B.C.?)Jesop was “not a poet,” says Gilbert Murray, “but the legendary author of a particular type of story.” This type is...