Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 11
God charged David to build Him a temple through his son, and to prepare a place of rest. Solomon, in building the temple, made...
Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 10
And God ordered twelve stones to be taken out of the Jordan, and specified why. For he says: “When your son asks you the...
Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 9
And I have given him for his companion, Ooliab, the son of Achisamech, of the tribe of Dan. And I have put wisdom in...
Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 8
Of old, God the incorporeal and uncircumscribed was never depicted. Now, however, when God is seen clothed in flesh, and conversing with men, (Bar....
Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 7
Again, in His tabernacles, as when all the people of Israel adored in the tent, and standing round the temple in Jerusalem, fixing their...
Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 6
A certain conception through the senses thus takes place in the brain, which was not there before, and is transmitted to the judicial faculty,...
Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 5
Jacob worshipped his brother Esau and Pharao, the Egyptian, but on the point of his staff. (Gen 33.3) He worshipped, he did not adore....
Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 4
You see that He forbids image-making on account of idolatry, and that it is impossible to make an image of the immeasurable, uncircumscribed, invisible...
Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 3
Therefore I venture to draw an image of the invisible God, not as invisible, but as having become visible for our sakes through flesh...
Apologia of St John Damascene Against those who Decry Holy Images Part 2
In the first place, then, before speaking to you, I beseech Almighty God, to whom all things lie open, who knows my small capacity...