Discovering Brusa


A Historic Ottoman Capital

A visit to Brusa, the once vibrant capital of the Ottoman Empire, requires a minimum of three days, including a full day to explore the city. Travelers need a Teskereh (refer to p. 32). The steamers connecting Constantinople and Mudania, Brusa’s port, vary in comfort, with some like the Bengazi and Adranit providing a better experience on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Fridays (returning on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays). However, passengers should bring their own provisions for the journey.

The departure time of the steamers is not fixed but usually falls between 8:30 AM and 10:30 PM. Through return tickets to Brusa are available through Messrs. Thos. Cook and Sons, 12 Bue Kabristan, Pera Treasures of Brusa.

The journey from Constantinople to Mudania takes approximately 4.5 to 5 hours on the screw steamers. From Mudania, a 1.75-hour train ride connects travelers to Brusa. Trains align with steamer arrivals and departures. An alternative travel plan is to go by train one way and return by carriage (distance: 2 to 2.5 hours). Steamers conveniently dock alongside the wharf, allowing passengers direct access to the train.

Mudania, situated on the site of ancient Ajpamea, is a modest village serving as Brusa’s port. The terrain between the sea-shore and Brusa is hilly and fertile, and both road and railway navigate a zigzag course to the hill’s top, approximately 900 feet above sea level. From this vantage point, passengers can enjoy a splendid view of Mount Olympus and Brusa.

Founded in 185 B.C. by Bithynian king Prusias with the assistance of Hannibal, Brusa, known as ancient Prusa, has a rich history Private Tours Balkan. It faced sieges and takeovers during the reign of Nicomedes III., experiencing both Mithradates’ assaults and Roman interventions. Eventually, it became the Roman province’s administrative center. The city declined in significance during the Empire and reemerged in 947 A.D. when it fell to the Arabs led by Seif-ed-Deblet, a Hamadan prince, before returning to Greek control.


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