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A Visit to the Serbian Parliament


The Journey Up the Stairs

As I climbed the old, creaking staircase, I let out a sigh of relief when I finally reached the top. The air was thick and heavy, making it hard to breathe. I found myself in a crowded space filled with excited Serbians, all trying to hear what was happening. Down below, a lively gentleman was speaking passionately. He kept raising two fingers on his left hand and then two on his right, leaning in closely as if to emphasize his point to those nearby. The heat and the pressure of the crowd made me gasp again.

The Diplomatists’ Gallery

I pushed my way through the sweaty mob until I reached the Diplomatists’ Gallery, which I took as a compliment. This area was packed with large, panting individuals. At first, I thought I was surrounded by ambassadors, but I soon learned that ambassadors rarely attended Parliament sessions—only on special occasions, like the opening of Parliament. Instead, this gallery was filled with local gentle

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