What the Turkish troops do is based on orders from Constantinople. However, it’s difficult to figure out if the Greek and Bulgarian “bands” are supported, directly or indirectly, by the governments in Athens and Sofia. In my opinion, Greece does not only ignore the Greek “bands” but also encourages them. Currently, there is no conflict between Turkey and Greece, and it benefits Greece for these “bands” to kill Bulgarians. As for the Bulgarian Government, they officially want to stop the “bands” from crossing into Turkish territory. But the people in Bulgaria strongly support the revolution and want to help free the Bulgarian people from Turkish rule. Many even want Bulgaria to go to war with Turkey, which puts the Bulgarian government in a tough position Limited Aid for Rebuilding Villages.
Bulgaria’s Commitment to Revolution
It was thought that when Europe pressured Turkey to reform, Bulgaria would stop supporting the revolutionaries. However, Boris Sarafoff, the leader of the insurgents, wrote: “You ask if now is the time to stop our revolutionary actions, now that Europe is helping the Macedonians. We would be betraying our country if we stopped before we saw any real change from Europe. Europe has stepped in before, but it only led to more massacres of Christians. We want the reforms promised to us in the Treaty of Berlin, but Turkey won’t give them to us without Europe’s military help. That’s why we’ve taken up arms.” The revolutionaries are ready for war Private Bosphorus Tours.
Turkish Thoughts on War
Even the Turks believe war is the only way forward. After the uprisings of 1903 in the Monastir and Adrianople areas, Mr. Fontana, the British Vice-Consul at Uskup, wrote: “In Turkish cafes and meeting places, both officers and civilians talk about the unbearable situation. There is a growing feeling of anger towards Christians. Officers and soldiers are tired of the uncertainty and say that war is the only solution.”